Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday-Monday August 25-26, 2013

Sunday-Monday August 25-26, 2013  update #553
Bella played Bridge and I took a day off to rest my back.   Sitting on a regular-backed chair instead of the secretarial chair certainly helped.
I tried half-heartedly to locate sites where we could use our VPN to access proper television and movies but I think I need to do a lot more research.  I did find a couple of movie sites that are promising but I can’t see myself watching too many movies on the computer.

Hopefully the dreary days are at an end as we have had 2 sunny days in a row now, hooray!!!
Today is always a grocery day for Bella, while I was out the door early to see how we would fare in court today against SEPS.  The court was being asked to rule on the legality of the assemblies that SEPS had called last week.   Since we headed off those assemblies in a different fashion already, this court case is more to slap their face and get some brownie points.  I waited outside Carlos Heredia’s office for a bit, took a few flower photos then decided I had better head to the courthouse.   He came late, took a shortcut, and we met there anyway.
The court was held in a large “office”, or tiny courtroom, if you want to call it that.   There was barely seating for 15 people in there.  I grabbed a chair quickly because I had not taken any drugs and there was no way I was going to stand through the 100 minutes.  Our group started with 2 lawyers and ended with 3, although only the first two got maybe 20 minutes to talk.  The 3 SEPS lawyers dominated proceeding with lengthy discourses on why they were not in contravention of the Constitution in discriminating against us.  The female judge then decided she would issue a ruling in 3 days.  We doubt that very much will come from this, maybe a wrist slapped, and some moral victories that we can build on. 
After the hearing, the press was very active in getting our story, for which we are thankful.  Why we are not asking for criminal proceedings against the blatant extortion by SEPS is beyond me.
Another big demonstration is scheduled tomorrow to begin at San Blas park and continue up to the Governor’s building.  They want us to bring as many people as possible with lots of noisemakers.  Oh joy.
On the way home I stopped at Coral and bought a new office chair with proper lumbar support, etc.   Naturally it did not want to assemble properly as the back does not want to line up with the seat and screw on properly.   I did the best I could after stripping three bolts.   I can certainly feel the difference already.
That was the day’s excitement.  Cheers, Al   

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