Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

Friday October 26/12 update #266
Couldn’t sleep so I was up most of the night uploading photos.   I had set the alarm for 6:30 to be sure I would arrive at Hearts Of Gold (HOG) on time at 8am, and I must have just nodded off before it rang.
I arrived early and helped out making a poster for Emilie to sell little crocheted baby’s outfits that are made by one of Sheryle’s employees girls.   Sheryle even stopped in for a bit, just before lunch.
We are up to 13 tickets sold but expect most of the tickets to be gone Monday and Ruesday.   I sent out a broadcast email to most Cuenca friends and got favorable responses from many already.
I caught the #16 home from near the stadium because I had forgotten the return route home, in case I need to catch it again some day.
I had a quick nap on the terrace and early supper.  I had toyed with the idea of going to the Deportivo Cuenca futbol match against 2nd ranked Quito tonight, but I just watched a couple of movies instead.   I will make it an early night tonight.   No photos today.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday October 25, 2012

Thursday October 25/12 update #265
I woke up at 3am but forced myself to doze until 8:30.  It sure makes a difference when a person gets the proper rest.
I am enjoying the return of the water so much, even with the bonus of additional pressure, that I had another shower until the gas ran out.  It is a good thing that we always have an extra full tank on hand.
I hurriedly went through my chores and was dismayed that my efforts to set up a photography tour to Ona for Monday were for naught.  JD’s has let us down again.  Oh well, we will try again soon.
Today I headed to the Solano area, first to see a photography display at a Metals Museum supposedly on the corner of Solano and Diez De Agosto.  I checked all 4 corners and asked two Ecuadorians, both of whom spoke passable English, but they were no help.  I ended up walking up to the Kaddafa cafĂ© and asked, and sure enough, it is upstairs where I took photos 4 weeks ago.  I never did see any sign saying this was a museum.  However my luck was holding true, it was closed until 3pm.
Unfortunately, my second item of business was to volunteer to sell Christmas Gala tickets at the Hearts Of Gold office across from Edificio La Fragata (where my Spanish teacher Christine, Bella’s bridge partner Yoshi, and H.O.G.’s Melinda all live).   My shift is from 2pm to 5:30 but they let me in early.  Emilie showed up at 2:20 and had to leave so I waited for Melinda who showed up around 2:40.   She showed me the ropes while she was waiting for three young English-speaking Ecuadorian volunteers for a 2:30 appointment.  These young ladies, one of whom who spoke flawless English because she lived in the USA until age 13, finally showed up at 4:30 claiming to have gotten lost.  These kind of volunteers are priceless so we discussed many ways of getting them, and their school, involved.
The day was very slow otherwise for me.   I only sold 2 entrance tickets, and 1 raffle ticket, all to myself…   I am now contracted to return tomorrow morning and Monday afternoon.
Then I walked all the way to Pumapungo to Big Kabuda’s for my burger fix.  Jesus and I had a good chat.   They are now open 7 days per week starting at 5pm.  Yippee!   We also discussed taking trips again.  He said he had checked Cosmos tours and will most likely take one of their tours.  I guess his wife has had 2 bouts with cancer so they know how precious their time is.   His wife actually looks better than I’ve ever seen her.
My next stop was to go to a university alumni concert at the Banco Central Auditorium for 8pm.  I was way early at 7pm but I suspected something was odd when there was a lineup starting and they had a box office open.   Hmmm, this was supposed to be a free concert, so I asked.  They said there was no music tonight, just a theatrical comedy concert.   So off I went again.
I was amazed when the #15 pulled up almost immediately at the bus stop and it was filling up.  I managed to get a seat before 2 stops, which was indeed fortunate because at the following stop the bus was jammed to the rafters.  I had hoped many would get off before my home stop but still more got on than those that got off.  At my stop I didn’t even try to barge my way out with my big backpack.   I just figured I would ride it to the top at El Valle and catch the next empty one back.
Well, one mile up the El Valle road the bus veers off onto a dirt road into the valley on the right!   We had taken the #15 many times during the day to El Valle and the bus had never veered from the main road so here we were, off on another adventure.  This bus swerved and careened on this back road then started climbing and climbing.  At every stop, many people disembarked.   I must have been the only one expecting a trip on the main road….  When he reached a point that I figured was about a block from the main road he made a quick announcement and everyone got off, leaving this bewildered Canuck shaking his head.   I walked up and asked him how I get back to Monay, he said to just sit down, so I did.   He didn’t even want 25c for the return trip.   Nice fellow.
Hmmm, brown coloured water again tonight…..
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday October 24, 2012

Wednesday October 24/12 update #264
Still no water this morning at 6am.   I tried contacting Paul Wolf, my nearest friend near the Hospital Del Rio, to arrange to have a shower only to find that they have the same problem.   He sent me a news item in El Tiempo that says 60,000 homes were affected and that they restored the water after 48 hours, at 7pm and they would need about 3 hours to fill the reserve tanks.   Liars!!  Apparently they had a break in a water pipe from the treatment plant and repair efforts were hampered by rain and landslides in the trench.    It is amazing how much we depend on the water, showers, flushing toilets, drinking water, and mainly cleaning.  If we didn't have 1/2 a bottle of water we would be in deep trouble with the cats.
The neighbor next door was still doing their stupid pounding at 6:45am so I pound back on the wall to let them know it is not appreciated.
8:45am and we have dirty water but not with enough pressure to have a shower yet.   I am letting the water flow until it clears up and we get some pressure.   I was about to run over to Chris and Bettye’s across town for a shower because I couldn’t stand myself any more.  At least now, even a cold sponge bath is a welcome relief.
I have received the sad news that AAC is going to be closed down for a while, and maybe permanently.  All the founders are of the same opinion as me and have basically issued an ultimatum for more reliable physical and financial help from Miguel and the community or the school will not reopen.  Many of the dedicated volunteers are going back to the US or moving out of town so a fresh infusion of talent would definitely be required.  Many very dedicated people have put in a lot of time and money into AAC and we are truly sad to see this demise.
9:30am I had a quick nap until 11:15 then went to Coopera to get some cash to buy tickets to the Hearts Of Gold Gala.  It is an overcast, spitting rain, kind of day but it still felt good to be mobile.   I stopped in at the good video store but it had a sign “Regresso en 5 minutos” so I waited 20 minutes then kept going.
I went to Coral and picked up some cushions for my deck chair at a reasonable price (and they work great).  Then I picked up some cutlery and tried to find normal elastics without success.   I also ran into John and Kathy who take Spanish classes with Chris and Bettye.
When I got home there was enough water pressure to get hot water and it was running somewhat clearer so I tackled the dishes.  I know I am odd, but it actually felt good to be doing dishes.  I find it relaxing, except when the glass lid from the frying pan explodes next to me in the rinse water.  Luckily all the glass stayed in the water so it was an easy clean-up.
I had a great pork chop supper and did dishes again, then I showered.   I maust have been thrilled to have the water back because I did laundry as well.
My plan was to be done by 7:30 then catch the #3 downtown to a French music concert at Teatro Sucre.  The only #3 that came by drove right by me empty.  So I just headed back home, but not before spotting a place with movies on the corner by Coral.   I got 12 movies for $8.75, brand new..
So no photos today.  That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday October 23, 2012

Tuesday October 23/12 update #263
I was up until 2:30 watching a movie, since I wasn’t tired because of the long nap.   Then a neighbour (this is 2 days in a row now) decides to pound on something starting at 6:45am for about 5 minutes, just enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood..  I find myself getting more upset each time with the rudeness of Ecuadorians when it comes to noise.  One of the neighbor’s car alarms was going off all weekend until I was almost going bonkers.  They just seem to think it is tough titty for everyone else.
Still no water this morning so I checked with the restaurant next door and she confirmed it was a neighbourhood problem so she must be really in trouble!   I asked Michael Berger to check what is happening so he managed to contact Etapa and they have indicated that we should have water restored by this evening.  I sure hope so, or I won’t even sleep with myself!   I’ll have to go out and get a temporary hotel room with a shower.
I could watch them craning up the supports for the rollercoaster being assembled at the amusement park on the road to El Valle.  Any Health and Safety professional would just shake their head in disbelief at the way they do things here.  
Hearts Of Gold are holding a fundraiser Gala Night at Joe’s Secret Garden on December 6th and I have volunteered to help sell tickets for the 70 spots available.  I am booked to work Thursday pm and Friday am.
I heard the familiar sound of a hummingbird and I saw one perched in one of Tom Thumb’s favorite spots.  It took me a while to get the feeder filled, etc, but it is now on the windowsill with the big silk flower like usual so we are hoping to see our little buddy visiting us again.
I waited for the metal shelf guys to come and install the terrace shelf at 2pm.   Finally at 3pm I just walked over there and saw my shelf, made of aluminum, sitting on one of the work tables.  They called out the owner and he asked if they could install it tomorrow.  It is always manana in Ecuador!  I flatly said no, that the agreement was to install it today at 2pm and it was now past 3pm.  I asked if the shelf was completed and he said yes, so they just started gathering tools and we headed to the house.  It came in shorter than we originally requested but that was OK, I was just happy to get this up for the boys.  When they tried to screw it into the concrete wall they realized they needed more bracing underneath to make it sit flat so they had to run back to the shop for 4 small braces.  It really didn’t take too long and they were very nice.   They were also very curious about the Boys too.  Bella’s long rug that she had woven specifically for an 8” shelf fits perfectly.   So far it hasn’t slid off anywhere so I am hoping we don’t have to do anything to secure it to the aluminum.  We might need those picnic table clips.
The Boys have been sitting out there since it was put up so we know we have done the right thing.  Peso can really watch all the swallows scoot by, one after the other, and he is just riveted.
Then I spotted that gorgeous yellow bird again.   He was desperately trying to dislodge a dead leaf from a tree so he is certainly nesting close by.   It was funny to watch him look at all the angles and then try to yank it in different directions.  He was persistent on this stubborn leaf and he seems to have gotten his prize after all his hard work.
7pm and still no return of Tom Thumb, or our water supply, darn it.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday October 22, 2012

Monday October 22/12 update #262
Last night I went to brush my teeth and there was no water.    And the boys had taken over my bed so I spent an uncomfortable night on the couch.   This morning we have tap water but it full of sediment so I had to use the bottled water for my coffee.
I turned on the TV to watch some Spanish news while I ate some granola for breakfast and now we don’t catch a single channel.    No news, movies, music or sports.  I sent another email to Jorge Vidal stressing the situation and he responded that they hope to resolve this quickly.
Rommie and Charles are returning in early December and are looking for a 2 bedroom furnished place near El Centro with no stairs.   If anyone knows of anything, please let us know.
The water from the tap got even worse later on, really brown and ugly, so that I didn’t even want to rinse dishes with it.
I was off to Coopera for banking and to pick up eggs, vegetables and fruit.   I brought home 3 bags of stuff for just over $12.   It is so refreshing to see fruit right off the trees, fresh, and without fancy packaging to drive up costs.
Did I ever mention how much I love palm trees??   Only a few times??   What a glorious morning to be out and about in the fresh air.
On the way back I spoke to Raoul whose home is now almost closed in.  He says the construction is going well.  I seem to recall he hoped to have occupancy in September.
Once I unpacked that stuff, I headed to Coral for a few more items, carrying our wheelie basket.  It was nice to see the river back to normal level.    I crossed the road and then decided to cross back to be sure the metal guy was going to have my shelf for tomorrow.  I looked both ways like usual and started across.  In the corner of my left eye I caught movement and reared back and held my breath while this grey car missed me by half an inch!  If he had had an aerial he would have taken half my face off!   I don’t know how I didn’t see him initially.   All I can think of is that he roared around the corner without stopping.  Whoever it was didn’t brake, or swerve, or anything.   Maybe they didn’t even see me at all??  My life flashed before my eyes as one of my greatest fears almost came to fruition.  One little slip and end up in hospital, or dead, with nobody here to back me up.   That is a trifle scary.
Oh, the metal shop boss wasn’t there but one of his helpers was assuring me there would be no problem.
I filled the basket with another $18 worth of sundries from Coral and rolled home with the basket.  I unpacked the groceries and noted the Coral “guaranteed fresh” cabbage was dripping water.   I was going to chop it up anyway but decided to pierce it to the center first.  Water poured out of it for 20 seconds!   It appears they are learning North American tricks here.   I called my buddy Jorge from Coral, who I has seen earlier, and advised him of the situation.   He is the grocery manager so I wanted to be sure he was aware of this.
The water from the tap has begun to run really clear again at 11:30 but at about half pressure.   At 2pm the water is basically shut off again.
The weather patterns here have returned to normal with bright beautiful mornings then a short rain in mid-afternoon.
There was a beautiful yellow bird nearby today.  He wasn’t in a banana tree, just in case you were wondering….   I can hopefully count on Betty M. to identify it..??..
I hopped in bed for a nap and awoke almost 3 hours later.  Still no water… just a trickle from the kitchen tap, not enough to replenish a toilet flush upstairs.
That made cooking supper interesting so I was thankful we have some bottled water.  I made some tilapia in white wine, butter, lemon and onions.  Mmmmmmmm Good!!  I heated some of my frozen mashed potatoes and only used ½ of that so those 30 potatoes I peeled are good for 10 meals.  Then I boiled up a package of Ecuadorian veggies and beans that I had bought this morning at Coopera for 76c.  I had my doubts but they were absolutely wonderful and the package was also enough for 2 meals!   Bonus!!
I just got an email from a fellow from Montreal that had been corresponding with me over my blog.   Jay arrived 5 days ago and is going to Joe’s on Saturday and wanted to know if I was going…   Heck YES, it is Fried Chicken Saturday and I am not missing that!!  And Jay has actually brought us some cat food from Canada, can you believe that??   Some people are so thoughtful.
It is now after 9:30 and still no water....  I thought they would have it back on at suppertime but that didn't happen.   I sure hope it is on in the morning so I can shower, do the litter, etc.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday October 21, 2012

Sunday October 21/12 update #261
It is amazing the feeling of relief I have today after resigning from AAC.  I feel like I have my life back to enjoy my days as I see fit, to walk, to ride, to travel, to plan, and to photograph.  It was the right decision at the right time.
I noticed they are installing an amusement park again on the mountain going to El Valle.  This park was there a year ago and we were quite surprised that it was temporary and was dismantled.
Today there is a large gathering at Manon’s and many people were invited.   I had intended to go early to help her set up but had to wait to Skype with Mom and Leonie, feed the boys, then it was raining, so I got away later than expected.  I was going to walk to Coopera but the rain began again so I walked to the bus stop and caught the #16.  As it passed Coopera, the Credit Union seemed to be closed so I did not get off, but continued to Feria Libre where it wasn’t raining.   I walked to the Coopera there, but it was closed too.
I was hoping to find a tienda to buy some wine to bring but everything was closed so I walked to the Super Maxi.   I picked up a bottle of rum for $6.46, a 3-litre Coke and Sprite for $2.73 and a drinking thermos for $5.45 and went to the checkout.  There he tells me they can’t sell liquor on Sunday…. So I just gave up and walked away.
The crowd at Manon’s included mostly familiar faces but there were a lot less people than I expected to see.  I met Bev who was born in Regina, and we were soon joined by another new couple, Rick & Ali from Vancouver.  I also had a chat with Mike and Cody Hamilton about setting up small photo trip, maybe to Ola?  One of the people who joined our last photo trip had bought that fish farm that Bella had been eyeing on the Internet.   They have invited us to come down sometime.   I’ll have to work on that.
Chris and Bettye, John and Kathy, Brad and Cindy, and many other friends were there.  Peter and his wife (sorry, forgot her name) sat with us for a while and announced they had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.   Congrats.
I asked Chris how the morning party for the AAC went and was surprised to hear that he had not attended, and likely neither had Tom and Linda.  I hope Miguel was there, because at least he would know the reason why I was not there.  The frustration with Miguel has pervaded everyone so we are not sure what will become of AAC.
I only had one shot of Zhumir, a local drink one wit compared to flavoured lighter fluid, and I just kept adding mix because it was so strong. 
I left early and was home by 8pm.   I shared a taxi with Sterling, dropping him off at his apartment on Mariscal Lamar.  He says he is going to have another party on his rooftop patio in early December.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

Saturday October 20, 2012

Saturday October 20/12 update #260
I spent most of the morning and afternoon confirming my decision to resign from AAC and trying to draft an email to the founding members accordingly.   While it was a heartbreaking decision it feels like an enormous weight has been lifted from my back.    I wish them well.
Then it was time to head to Joe’s.   I stopped at Feria Libre and tried again in vain to find the lady with the baby buns.   After a half hour of going up and down the aisles I just broke down and bought some cheese buns off a vendor.   I then delivered them to Manon’s place for tomorrow night’s soiree.
The supper at Joe’s was Duck a l’Orange which was good, but sparse.  The salad was delicious but small, then two of us at our table had very skimpy pieces of duck with very little meat and we were left hungry as they had no extras to give us.  The dessert was also very small so overall it was not very satisfying for the price.  Luckily we had entertaining and intelligent company at the table so it was a pleasant evening.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at