Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thursday November 1, 2012

Thursday November 1/12  update #272
Art, art, and even more art!!!   I spent the day beside the Rio Tomebamba, just below El Centro, going through all the artisan booths stretching from the Broken Bridge to Otorongo.   Much of the art is amazing and so well priced.   Some of the artisans are so very inventive and talented.   I managed to restrict myself to spending only $10 but I am looking for someone to loan me $300.    See the photos and you will know why!
I met lots of folks I know on my 4 hour odyssey and had lots of chats.   I even ran into Jay early on, and he was helping his landlady’s daughter, Gabriela, to find some paintings.   I mentioned I had seen some exhibited when passing on the bus, at the Broken Bridge and not far from the Electrica Empreza building.    I later went by the Broken Bridge and I am still drooling over one piece in particular….   Did I mention the need for $300????
I took lots of shots so please enjoy the wonderful art.
Oh, and I found out that we can find out about most happenings in town on the town’s website and then just click on any of the 3 Agenda flags ½ way down.   Someone actually managed to hand me the November book today.   When I had asked for it yesterday they had none at the iTur office.
About 8:15pm I thought we were having a military firefight behind us, it sounded like so much gunfire, and close…  I finally caught a glimpse of the last burst of fireworks from the Monay Mall area. 
The house is clean and I am now doing laundry to await my sweetheart’s arrival tomorrow after lunch.  Gosh, 3 months is a long time and I will be glad to have her back.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

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