Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday May 18, 2012

Friday May 18/12 update
Tom Thumb was almost waiting at my window this morning for a meal and he didn’t care if I was less than a foot away.  I got a couple of decent shots and played again with one of them….  Hope you like it.
Bella went off to do some banking then I met her and Bettye & Chris for lunch at the Ital Deli on Avenida Solano.  I really enjoy Avenida Solano because of its wide center boulevard of trees and its direct view south to Turi and north to Immaculate Conception.
Then the girls were off to bridge around the corner while Chris and I wandered over to Parque De La Madre.  I had noted on the way by on the bus that they had painted over all the grafitti on the plywood surrounding wall and were a new grafitti competition.  When we walked by it was obvious there would be a party later with music because the stage and speakers were setting up.  Many of the artists were already busy at work using many mediums of paint to perform their destructive magic.  Some of the works were quite incredible and many just plain weird.  The art ranged from one plywood panel to eleven panels.  I will see the completed works on Monday before Spanish class so we didn’t hang around long.  I was disappointed that they had painted over an amazing work of art along the front wall so I am glad that I got a good shot of it about 3 weeks before.
Chris told me he had met a judge in a beautiful building at the corner of Parque Calderon so he took me in to show off the magnificent open-air courtyard in the center.  What a gorgeous sight!
Then we went to the iTur information office to see if the May events booklet was available yet.  The nice lady there says they only publish those in April and November when they have big city celebrations.  Darn it!  I sure enjoyed being able to see, at a glance, where everything was happening.  She said we could check online so I asked her to show me.  She went to the same city site that I check and the May calendar still has not been updated to show a single event. 
Chris and Bettye are pricing out appliances and furniture so we checked out a large appliance store for comparisons on five items with a prior quote from a competitor.  When all is done, they appear to be a whole $5 less.  Chris will go back tomorrow with an interpreter, try for a Sony TV in the mix and grind them for a better price and a gift.  Good luck Chris.
We didn’t want to wander around all afternoon so we caught a bus to their apartment and we caught the end of an old movie, Solomon and Sheba, with Yul Brynner (with hair and a beard, no less).  While we were watching this I received a call from Katie McNally saying that they would probably not show up for supper tonight as planned.  They were having internet problems, but more seriously, her husband Layne had lost his false teeth!!  This is the couple from California that only arrived yesterday to check out our fair city for a couple of weeks.
Well we showed up at the California Kitchen shortly before Bella and Bettye showed up.  We waited until 6:15 before ordering as Katie and Layne did not show up.  The food was wonderful as usual and the dessert absolutely scrumptious! 
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120518 Art Supplies at Parque De La Madre

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 1

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 2

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 3

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 4

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 5

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre 6

120518 Artist at Parque De La Madre = 11 panels

120518 My Tom Thumb artwork

120518 New and Old Cathedrals

120518 Jet over Parque De La Madre

120518 Judicial Building Courtyard 1

120518 Judicial Building Courtyard 2

120518 Judicial Building Courtyard 3

120518 Judicial Building Courtyard 4

120518 Old Cathedral Belfry

120518 Avenida Solano looking north to Immaculate Conception

120518 Tom Thumb 1

120518 Tom Thumb 2

120518 Tom Thumb 3

120518 Tom Thumb 4

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday May 17, 2012

Thursday May 17/12 update
OMG, I was all ready to go to an orchid farm on the way to Chordeleg with Bella when she informed me we are not going.  Bummer.  She thought I didn’t want to go so she had made arrangements with the driver Miguel to get some form of rice husk kitty litter delivered.  We’ll have to see how that works.  He showed up around 4pm.
Sorry, but being housebound means boredom, and part of the routine for breaking boredom is to selectively put out the feeder for Tom Thumb and try to get a superlative shot.  Well this morning, besides feeding him by hand several times, I got a great shot that I had to play with I found a great background to complement it.  I hope you like it.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120517 Tom Thumb

120517 Tom, with a little Magic added

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday May 16, 2012

Wednesday May 16/12 update
Bella is off to Super Maxi for groceries then off to a cooking class with Bettye and Frances so she has again left me at home to supervise while Rosa is cleaning.   I happened to flip on the TV when she arrived and the movie “The Edge” was on, with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin.  I explained to her that the movie was filmed near our home in Canada and how our brother-in-law, Brian Lyttle, was not only in cameo roles in the movie but he made the knives used by Anthony Hopkins in the movie.    And when I mentioned that he had also made knives for Brad Pitt, her eyes really lit up!!    See  
I also told her that I was taking photos of the hummers outside my window and that Tom Thumb usually showed up as soon as I put out the feeder.  Her eyes were pretty wide when he came, right on cue!
I wasn’t sure if this would work, but I am uploading my photo video of many of the photos I took on Christmas Eve during the children’s parade.   This is a slideshow done on one of my basic programs and it came out pretty good.  Because of the lack of copyright laws here I am hesitant to spend a whole lot on marketing DVD’s that they will just turn around and copy.   The upload will take about 4 hours, and hopefully the internet won’t drop on us during that time.  I went downstairs to watch a long movie, Dr Zhivago. 
Please check on YouTube for  and please leave a comment or a thumbs up or something.
While Rosa was vacuuming downstairs I came back up to check on the video which showed 74% completed, good!  I then opened the window and could hear Tom chirping so I opened the screen and put out the feeder.  Tom is either getting very brave or very hungry because he came up to it even before I removed my hand!  Of course I didn’t even have time to grab my camera.  Then I saw a movement below me and it was Peso, ready to jump up like any good predator.  I just splayed my hand above his head so he couldn’t jump and luckily he stayed quiet while Tom finished sucking up his nectar.
After the movie I came up to work on photos and Tom continued to fly up to the window looking for food and he would hardly wait again.   So here is the result:
This is TOM EATING FROM MY HAND !!!!   Too bad it starting to get dark but it is still a thrill.  I am sure there will be more to follow.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120516 Tom is getting brave

120516 Tom happily feeding

120516 Tom flying like a gooney bird

120516 Good shot of Tom 

120516 Tom flying like a gooney bird 2

120516 Tom playing peek-a-boo

120516 Another good shot of my friend Tom 

120516 Tom wondering if he should chance it

120516 Tom making his decision

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday May 15, 2012

Tuesday May 15/12 update
I’m staying close to home while Bella goes to the Book Exchange at the Windhorse café then grocery shopping. 
I just opened my window and put out the feeder.  I barely took my hand away and my little buddy was up here to eat.  I just stood dead still while he had a really good feeding not 8 inches from my hand.  I decided to call him Tom, for Tom Thumb, since he is no bigger than my thumb.
One of my Fine Art America cohorts from Swift Current who is a missionary in Colombia has identified him as a Sparkling Violetear.  Wikipedia says:  “The Sparkling Violetear, Colibri coruscans, is a species of hummingbird. It is widespread in highlands of northern and western South America, including a large part of the Andes, Argentina and northward, the Venezuelan Coastal Range and the Tepuis. It occurs in a wide range of semi-open habitats, even in gardens and parks within major cities such as Quito, and is often the commonest species of hummingbird in its range. The Sparkling Violetear is most abundant near coniferous or evergreen eucalyptus forests. It is highly vocal and territorial.
The Sparkling Violetear is the largest violetear at 13 to 15 cm (5-6 in) long. Male birds weigh 7.7 to 8.5 grams(0.27 to 0.3 oz) while females weigh from ounces 6.7 to 7.5 grams (0.24 to 0.26 oz).   Sparkling Violetears are solitary and aggressive. Birds declare their territory by singing. The birds sing much of the day, and sub-groups develop their own calls.  Birds find mates at leks, areas where groups of males try to attract a female to mate.   The mother lays two eggs in a tiny, cup-shaped nest made of twigs and other plant material. Eggs hatch in 17 to 18 days. The young fledge in three weeks.”
Following is a shot of Tom from yesterday that I have again changed the background to a shot I took east of Okotoks.  I thought it turned out so nice I have made it my Desktop picture.
Segundo is coming tonight for more English tutoring by Bella, then it is DWTS Elimination night to see who the final three are, so tonight is booked up.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120514 Evening Hummer - composite photo

120515 Tom Thumb 1

120515 Tom Thumb 2

120515 Tom Thumb 3

120515 Tom Thumb 4

120515 Tom Thumb 5

120515 Tom Thumb 6

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday May 14, 2012

Monday May 14/12 update
It was such a gorgeous sunny morning that a person just wanted to be on the go.  I was off to Spanish class and Bella was off to the Coopera Credit Union to make up some new deposits.
Paul indicated that they had no great ideas for marketing of my childrens’ photos so I guess I am on my own there.  Paul and the teacher Martha came with me to Sabor Latino for lunch.  As usual it was fantastic.
My next stop was the Carolina Bookstore to change 3 movies.  I found Dr Zhivago so that came home with me for sure!
Then I headed to Parque Calderon and the iTur office to see if they had the May events booklet yet, but the answer was no.  Those booklets are chronically late.
So I headed up and over one block to the San Francisco market as I desperately need some clothes.  I picked up two hoodies and two Adidas track pants for $38.  Bella isn’t giving me any clothing allowance so I am broke for a while now.
It was so nice and sunny I decided to walk north, where no man has ever been before, lol, to get a shot of the Catholic University up near the Avenida De Los Americas about 10 blocks from El Centro.  We had often been by there, mostly at night by taxi, and I had always wanted to make the trek there.  It is higher up so a person can get some nice views of downtown.   Now I have to go back at night when all the churches are all nicely lit up.
I had responded to a GringoTree ad from an older couple from California asking about information regarding Salinas and Cuenca as spots to visit.  I had given them lots of insight and information and directed them to my Cuenca Residency blog.  Tonight we Skyped and got to say connect.  They will be here on Thursday night so we have made an appointment to meet them Friday night at the California Kitchen.
DWTS is too close to call.    I used up all my votes for Kathryn as she won’t have a big fan base in the USA.
I got a few late hummer shots so I experimented with one of them by making a composite photo with a background shot I had kept.   I hope you like it.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120514 My buddy, with a nicer background.

120514 Catholic U

120514 Immaculate Conception 1

120514 Immaculate Conception 2

120514 Immaculate Conception 3

120514 Views south from the north hill 1

120514 Views south from the north hill 2

120514 Views south from the north hill 3

120514 Views south from the north hill 4

120514 Old Cathedral 1

120514 Old Cathedral 2

120514 Park north of El Centro

120514 Statue in this park

120514 San Francisco church

120514 Santuario Mariano

120514 Unscheduled afternoon siesta