Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday September 21, 2012

Friday September 21/12 update
The Boys had taken over my bed so I slept in the recliner until 4am until the Boys found me there, so I slipped back upstairs to take control of my bedroom.  I didn’t sleep all that well but stayed in the sack until 10am and felt a little refreshed.
Right now I have enough people booked for the Night Photo Tour to break even, but have several others enquiring.  I will give it until tomorrow then put another ad in GringoTree to try to get the procrastinators.
I really did not feel like going today but had gotten an email that we were going to take the AAC kids to the park.  Not much else was mentioned so I dragged my butt on the bus and went to join the others.  It was threatening rain and sprinkled most of the time but nobody seemed to mind.  I didn’t even dig out my umbrella.  There was another “school” of kids at the park so it was a busy place but all the kids got along.  The kids were really enjoying the slides and the zip line with almost no rambunctiousness.  The rowdy boys disappeared down by the river so they weren’t a bother.   We managed OK even without Miguel and parents, but we had the kind assistance of two of the teens, Adriana and Mariuxi, who are really super.
Rick Smith from Calgary, owner of the Kookaburra Café, came by with a possible new recruit who is a former teacher named Frank.  I had been in correspondence with Frank who had replied to my GringoTree ad for teachers for the school.  I told Frank he had the first lesson on Monday so he had better get prepared.
Of course some of the kids clamor for a chance to take photos with the camera, so a few of the shots are theirs.  You will notice a couple of shots with a small boy in an orange shirt showing off.  This is Leandro, one of the original shy kids who wouldn’t smile or say Boo when we began the classes.  Now look at the smiles and the confidence in this little guy!  Those are the little paybacks for what we are doing.
Of course the sun came out just as we had to leave….
We got all the kids back to the school in one piece and I passed out the Canadian flag pins that Dick had given me yesterday.   They were thrilled.   Of course Juan, one of the rowdy boys, tried to pierce his ear with it!!  These macho Latino boys can be a handful.
I stopped at Feria Libre and picked up a dozen monster juicy Mandarins and a dozen large tomatoes.   I got a shot of a gaggle of young shoeshine boys operating on the front sidewalk.  I heard from a reliable source that many of these kids may be supporting themselves because their families can’t, and they have been dumped in the city to fend for themselves.  That is truly sad.
After this busy week I treated myself to some KFC at Monay Mall before heading home.   Can you imagine, they already have the huge Christmas Tree set up!!
I heard from Ed and Dick that they had tried for reservations at Joe’s but the place is sold out.   I sent a note to Joseph to please try to squeeze them in since they always have a couple of no-shows.  I hope it works.
Tomorrow I had better concentrate on laundry before heading to Joe’s.
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday September 20, 2012

Thursday September 20/12 update
I had a decent sleep and didn’t want to get out of bed but I promised to pick up Ed and Dick at 10am so I hustled and actually made it there at 9:30.  Ed kindly gave me 40 or so Canada pins so I can pass them out to the kids at Amigos.  He is also going to see if he can get the Govt to send me more, and maybe some photos…
We started out checking to see the times to see the crypt at Immaculate Conception but that wasn’t opening again until 10:30 so we decided to press on.  We went back south to Calle Larga and went to the west end passing through to 10 De Augusto Mercado. 
There is this antique shop that promised panoramic views from their rooftop so we went up (50c a person) and it was well worth the climb.  The roof had great view to the south so I got a nice panorama shot and we actually had a nice angle on the main cathedral too.
Continuing up that side street we saw an old-style barber shop that evoked many memories, then we came to this eclectic club that has a skull chandelier, very macabre.  Further up the street was that fun sculpture of the family climbing this pole.   The boys liked it as much as I do.  Next we headed to San Sebastian Square which was bathed in sunshine under a gorgeous blue sky.  Remember that the sky is usually ominous when I am in that area for some reason, but not today.  We had breakfast at the San Sebas Café which was awesome, and even better because Dick paid for it.  I introduced them to Reshma’s husband, another fellow Canadian that happened to be there.
Then we went across the street to the Museum of Modern Art which didn’t have much of a collection today but they did have interesting upper torsos of men and women all decorated differently with an electronic theme.  One pair of them was pretty funny with the torsos having electrical male and female plugs for genitals.
We walked along the side block and saw this artisan working with tin making artworks.  He was amazing, and he started to pull out press clippings about how he has been a craftsman for over 40 years, etc.  They sure know how to work with their hands in this country.
We peeked over the hill at Otorongo Plaza to confirm that unfortunately the hummingbird display is indeed gone, so we retraced our steps and went back to Calle Larga.  I took them into the Panama Hat Museum so they could see how they are woven, then steamed in metal or wooden forms into many shapes.  They were very impressed and had their photos taken wearing the hats.
I then showed them the various restaurants for shawarmas, the Coffee Tree, the Windhorse, the Sabor Latino, before going into the Carolina bookstore.  Then we briefly stopped into the Museum next to the Victoria Hotel then the CIDAP museum on the escalinata before heading to Todos Santos and the Broken Bridge.
Then we coasted down the Inca ruins at Pumapungo and went down to the aviary.  The door to the cage for the peacock was open but he wasn’t coming out to show off.   Too bad.  We wandered over to see the llamas and two of the girls who were relaxing on the grass.  They sure giggled at their photo.  Then we walked around the pond below the ruins before climbing up to get a view of the park below.
We stopped in at the Banco Central museum but we just sat down and decided against touring it.  Our feet were getting pretty tired.
We walked up to San Blas square and there we said our goodbyes for the day.  We were all pooped.  They are to sign up for the Beef Wellington meal at Joe’s on Saturday so we should see them again before they leave on Sunday.
Boy!  Almost 6 hours to complete the blogs today...   Good night!
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday September 18-19, 2012

Tuesday September 18/12 update
I was awake early again this morning so I got up, did the chores.  I was shocked to discover that the freezer was defrosting yet the light was on when I opened the fridge door.  And yet, I pushed the controls and it started right up again.  Very strange…. I’ll have to keep an eye on that.
Since I was up I decided to start work on the night photography tour for next week.  Even though I don’t have the supper details nailed down yet, I want to make this offer to the folks that came on the last tour first.
Our old Spanish class, at least some of us, got together with our old Spanish teacher, Christine, to practice Spanish conversation.  We did this from 4 until 6 at Nancee’s place which is way south near the Mall De Rio.  Her apartment has aneat collection of art and artifacts from her travels to many countries.   Then Christine, her husband Noel, and myself caught a #5 bus to near the stadium where I caught the #15.  As I neared the El Vergel/Inca ruins area I looked at my watch and decided to jump ship and sneak over to Big Kabuda’s for a burger fix.   I ordered my usual “Porky’s” burger and asked Jesus for some of that super hot spice he had.  I tried to be careful and dribbled the skinniest line across my bun and they had a look of horror on their faces.  I knew this stuff was supposed to be a few million BTU’s but I took one bite and that was enough to know why!   I then wisely took their advice to apply a new top layer on the burger.  That stuff is a Bunsen burner with only the tiniest speck on your tongue.  We should sell that stuff to put inside winter boots in Canada!   Cayenne pepper is a 2 compared to this stuff.
Jesus was mentioning wanting to go to Canada and having to drive to Columbia to get visas etc.  I asked him why, and he said that was the nearest official Canadian presence in South America.  I dug out the cards from my wallet for the people at the Canadian Embassy in Quito.   He didn’t know we had an embassy in Ecuador!   He slipped out to copy the cards at a nearby copy shop and was very thankful.
Then I went out and crossed the bridge to try to catch a bus and was rewarded when a #15 actually showed up.
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Wednesday September 19/12 update
I had been contacted by a fellow from Canada by the name of Ed Nadeau (a possible long-lost relative) who was in town for a few days with a friend Dick Bissett.  Their wives were busy with other things so they came to Ecuador on their own.   I met them at their Hotel Milan near San Francisco square and we walked to the AAC class.  On the way we noticed the Santo Domingo church was open, so we stopped in.  That is another huge impressive church! 
We also were pleased to see that the new interchange at Avenida De Las Americas was now open and very busy with traffic already.   We also ran into Chris near there and joined him for the walk to AAC.  Then I spotted this fellow holding a red rooster so I asked if I could take his picture, so he posed.  The guys were positive this was a fighting cock for the ring.
At AAC we were surprised to see a keyboard in the classroom but were certain it belonged to Richard, our new recruit.  Richard & Cathy Lopez showed up shortly as did many of the children.  Ed and Dick were very impressed by the way the children greeted us and generally behaved in class.  Our class today was mostly run by Richard & Cathy, first teaching them some English phrases then teaching them “Feliz Navidad” with his keyboard.  That couple will be a great addition to the Center.  Cathy looks and sounds just like Carol Bolick at McFarlane’s
The two Canucks and I slipped out to Feria Libre.where I showed them the different areas with many varied articles for sale.  We didn’t go by the live animals but we did see live grubs for sale for the first time.  Yuk.
Then we crossed the street and caught a bus back downtown, close to their hotel.  They were looking for gifts to bring back home so I showed them the marvelous alpaca shawls at San Francisco market that we can buy for only $20 here.  They each bought one.  I went to another booth and bought 3 pairs of socks so I can retire my religious (holy) pairs….
I then went to check out an alternative restaurant for our night photography tour on Tuesday.  I still had not heard from the Kookaburra Café and I needed an outlet in case they didn’t pan out.   As I stepped back out onto the sidewalk I ran right into the architect Jorge Beltran and his lovely wife Martha.  They were very effusive about how much they liked the video I made for them of their daughter’s graduation from medical school. 
Then it was time to catch the #3 home, feed the Boys, make supper, and now check emails and do my blogs.
There was an email from the Kookaburra making demands but not offering anything concrete so I had to tell them Thanks, but no thanks.   Time has run out on them and I was very disappointed in their responses.
Tomorrow is another busy day as I have promised to tour Ed and Dick around town.
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday September 17, 2012

Monday September 17/12 update
Happy Birthday to our granddaughter Katlyn!!
I was contacted by a fellow photographer from RedBubble to critique and work on a couple of photographs which took up a little time this morning, but I was flattered to be asked, and I relish the challenge.   One photo wasn’t very adaptable, but my favorite of hers was fun to play with.  See if you like the different versions (she wanted Black & White).   I had to do some straightening, cloning and lightening to get a good starting point.   See her work at
I headed to Amigos (AAC) this afternoon and was a little early so I went to see the new interchange at Las Americas and Gran Columbia which was supposed to be opening today.  NOT, so I have no idea when that is supposed to happen now.  
As I neared AAC I spotted two guys fixing turn signals on this huge bus so I took a chance on my poor Spanish to ask if they would be interested in driving for our proposed night photography tour.  It is a huge tour bus with 33 seats so that should do us just fine.  I suggested next Tuesday night and he said he was free.  He works for a company that has 2 similar buses so availability isn’t a problem.  I brought Miguel into the conversation just to make sure everybody was understanding each other.  I asked for a price for 5 hours and nearly fell over when he said $80!!  SOLD!!  He gave me the number for an English-speaker at their office so I called and booked it.  A half hour later I received a text on my cel phone confirming the time and place of pickup (hopefully at the Kookaburra) and I responded with a confirming email listing all the details, and the price.  
I asked Miguel if he wanted to join us as a guide and he may just do that.  I quickly emailed Rick at the Kookaburra to confirm they are able to do us a special supper prior to our tour.   Rick had indicated they probably could but that they would get back to me soon.  I can’t post my tour on GringoTree until I firm this up.
I arrived at AAC fully expecting to see sanded and painted desks as promised, but I had forgotten about Ecuador Time….  That meant we had no agenda today since Christine was going to have the kids painting different things on said desks.   Oh well, back to teaching them more English phrases, then to let them color for a while.  The kids arrived slowly but they kept coming, and coming, and soon we were scrambling for chairs.  We had a whack of new kids today which was pleasing to us that word is getting around.   Christine did take a few of the older kids to paint one desk and they did an amazing job!   We had 2 new volunteers today, Richard (music teacher) & Cathy (nurse) Lopez.  They got their feet wet today so they can begin to contribute some teaching on Wednesday.  I have another possible volunteer, who also happens to know Rick now, who may accompany Rick some day soon.
I left a little early for another appointment with one of the former teachers, a bilingual Ecuadorian who wanted to impart to me personally some of the culture differences that we may not be aware of and she wanted us to be there with our eyes open, and with our hands on our wallets.  It was informative, I’ll say that.
I hadn’t taken anything out for supper, intending to have hotdogs but the lure of the restaurant next door was too great.  I had a wonderful chicken empanada (really it was breaded) and it was so very delicious I definitely will ask for that again.  I bring my own black pepper.  It was only $1.50 with the juice I think.  Mmmmmmmm.
On GringoTree this evening was a posting about a Jerry Marbles having had a heart attack and his wife MaryAnn is looking for financial assistance.  I just met these people 2-3 weeks ago at Joe’s Secret Garden and have their personal business card right beside me.  Heaven knows this is another reminder to value and look after one’s health!!
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday September 16, 2012

Sunday September 16/12 update
Ahhhhh, a day of rest, yet I was up at 7:30.   The sky was so blue and the sun was so bright, who could stay in bed???   So I did the chores and actually dug out my bike and went ride-about.
After a stop at Coopera to do my banking I continued on to Parque Paraiso.   Near the entrance to the park there were two fishermen throwing seines into the river and I actually saw one catch a fish!  I had my camera set to the 10-shots-per-second mode to try to catch the right action.
It was still early so there wasn’t much happening other than a juggler/clown entertaining a large group.  The families kept streaming in while I wandered about, pushing my bike.   I ran into a tall man who turned out to be originally from England who has lived in Toronto and the USA for a long time.   He intends to bring over his 90-year-old mother from England!
I amused myself watching the families and the amazing children.   They are so well behaved here, it is just a pleasure to watch them.  I recognized one family in a paddleboat and it took me a moment to put a name to his face, but it was Vicente, the nice young man who did our bathtub, dining room wall, and tile work.  He looks too young to have a wife and two children.   He waved and said “Hello Meeester Al”.  That is how I was addressed by all the workmen who worked on our house.
One oddity was to watch a mother duck with several brown ducklings, but one bright yellow one.  This was the typical ugly duckling in action here!
I had a great time watching one little girl chasing bubbles in the breeze, she was so cute.    And as I was leaving along the river I saw another fisherman trying his luck too.   I have many photos to wade through to find some decent ones.
Soccer games were everywhere as Sunday is family day around here and I managed to get a few shots of goals being scored.
As I was riding home by the new neighborhood police station I thought I would be brave and see if they wanted us to register as living in the area.  Yes, they were pleased to do that so they have all the information, just in case.  Then the policeman asked for my cel phone and he programmed in a speed dial to their emergency line.  I just have to hit the number 5, hit dial, and then I don’t even have to say a word, police will be dispatched to our address!!   Neat!!!
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

Saturday September 15, 2012

Saturday September 15/12 update
This morning I emailed a couple of bus tour companies to try to get pricing for 4-5 hours for another evening photography tour.  I am hoping the total cost will be less than $300, but we shall see.
I did all my chores and then had a real nice hour and a half nap before getting ready to head to Joe’s Secret Garden for their fabulous Southern Fried Chicken.   I never ate a thing all day so I could arrive their with my feed bag on…   That worked.
I met a lot of new people tonight from Colorado, Texas, Florida and Georgia.   Joe’s is such a great place to meet new people in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.
I kept getting asked if I had heard from Bella and how much they miss her at bridge.   My seatmate was Larry Selig from Texas whose wife Donna apparently has played bridge at Joe’s.   Many of our old Spanish class alumni were there tonight too.   Some of us are getting together to palaver in Spanish late Tuesday afternoon.   That should be interesting.
I asked the cab driver tonight to take a different route home, just to see how fast it was, along Avenida De Las Americas, all the way to Gonzalez Suarez, then to Rayoloma.  We hit most lights on the green so it really was rather quick.
Everyone is really looking forward to the opening on Monday of the Avenida De Las Americas and Gran Columbia underpass.  Then the city traffic patterns and bus routes can get back to normal.  The project was completed two months early, and below budget,… something that is completely unheard of here.  The detours we have endured since we returned here will be a thing of the past and my trips to the Amigos Center and Joe’s should be much quicker.
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.