Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday September 15, 2012

Saturday September 15/12 update
This morning I emailed a couple of bus tour companies to try to get pricing for 4-5 hours for another evening photography tour.  I am hoping the total cost will be less than $300, but we shall see.
I did all my chores and then had a real nice hour and a half nap before getting ready to head to Joe’s Secret Garden for their fabulous Southern Fried Chicken.   I never ate a thing all day so I could arrive their with my feed bag on…   That worked.
I met a lot of new people tonight from Colorado, Texas, Florida and Georgia.   Joe’s is such a great place to meet new people in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.
I kept getting asked if I had heard from Bella and how much they miss her at bridge.   My seatmate was Larry Selig from Texas whose wife Donna apparently has played bridge at Joe’s.   Many of our old Spanish class alumni were there tonight too.   Some of us are getting together to palaver in Spanish late Tuesday afternoon.   That should be interesting.
I asked the cab driver tonight to take a different route home, just to see how fast it was, along Avenida De Las Americas, all the way to Gonzalez Suarez, then to Rayoloma.  We hit most lights on the green so it really was rather quick.
Everyone is really looking forward to the opening on Monday of the Avenida De Las Americas and Gran Columbia underpass.  Then the city traffic patterns and bus routes can get back to normal.  The project was completed two months early, and below budget,… something that is completely unheard of here.  The detours we have endured since we returned here will be a thing of the past and my trips to the Amigos Center and Joe’s should be much quicker.
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

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