Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday October 27, 2012

Saturday October 27/12 update #267
I locked the Boys out and had a good sleep.   Even so, I had another 2 hour nap before heading west.
A stop was made to briefly watch Jorge and his buddies play volleyball.   I got some shots of them with a pretty dramatic sky in the background.   This is so very common to get these threatening skies but we rarely get any rain from them.   They have to go west to the Cajas before they open up most of the time.
From there I caught the bus over to Joe’s Secret Garden, where the sky was already clearing up and it was a lovely late afternoon.  I would rather take outdoor shots at Joe's any day of the week since indoor shots are so finicky.
Today was Fried Chicken Day so Joe’s had lots of bookings and they tried something different, two evening seatings.   Some people were supposed to get fed at 6:30 then a second bunch would take over the seating at 7:15.   There was a lot of grumbling over this, because the first group worried that they would be booted out early to make way for the late group.  Then the latecomers were worried about standing around waiting and eating too late.  Somehow Joseph made room so everyone could get seated and all the grumbling stopped.   The fried chicken was perfection again tonight, as was the apple peach cobbler for dessert.
I got to finally meet Jay Shink from Montreal tonight.  We had been corresponding by email for a long time since Jay discovered my blog.  What a nice man!   He even brought us some cat food and spices from Canada!  I know the two of us will be getting together soon and I’ll show him around town.   He will be here at least 6 months.   I introduced him to most of the other Canadians in attendance tonight, like Garth & Orilla, Joanne & Kevin, and Mark & Karen.
My seatmates for supper were another Canadian pair from Milton, Ontario, Frank and Rita Chin.  We are so fortunate to make the acquaintance of so many interesting people at Joe’s.
Carol Walter was celebrating her 80th Birthday this night and she asked me to take a quick portrait of her to send to her friends.  She promised to bake me a huge batch of 35 cookies for my trouble.
Another lady from Montreal asked me to send her some photos too.   She is originally from Hungary and met another Hungarian lady this night.
The taxis were very slow getting to Joe's tonight so I got home rather late.
I have encountered many problems trying to upload the blogs since 3am….
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at

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