Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday June 17, 2012

Sunday June 17/12 update
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there!
Bella says she isn’t feeling quite up to par so she is sticking around the house today.
I awoke to many ideas swimming in my brain about the disaster plan to be formulated, spurred on by the meeting we attended in the last 2 weeks.  After researching some disaster plans, even some from BC, I put some of my thoughts on paper to the American Consul we had met, Matt Scranton.  Most of my concern is that very little is devoted to how our governments will be able to inform us of anything in the event of a cataclysmic happening.  What if there is no electricity, water, transportation?   What if all the bridges, television and cel phone towers are collapsed?   Because we are blessed with four rivers in Cuenca, that creates additional logistical problems.   That basically leaves portable radios for contact, but in what languages?  Where would they want expats to gather to be out of harm’s way and in the event of forced evacuation?  So many questions and we may be afraid of some of the answers.   I would hope we never have a situation that warrants such things, no matter where we are.
Once I had that off my chest I got to work on the photos from Rosa’s visit, the Earth Day celebrations, then my photoshoot for Joe’s Secret Garden.  Luckily I didn’t fluff very many shots and got some really great shots, I think.   I had sent each of the previous shots to Joseph in separate emails because he wanted the full size shots, and they are huge files.  Bella is seeing him on Wednesday so I put all of yesterdays 22 shots and the video of Joe on the piano onto a Stick for Joseph to download from.  I am sure he will be really happy with these.
I apologize for the jumble in the following pictures.   This site is not very user friendly for positioning things where I want!
I am going to get this blog out with several shots then I will try to get outside for a bit.   I got some more shots of Tom Thumb and another video but those can wait for processing later.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

120615 Wild Love Birds?

120616 Carolina & Pancho

120616 Carolina & Rosa

120616 New roof two doors down

120616  at Joe's Secret Garden=  Garth Bogart (r) 

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= Our table

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= Joe and Joseph

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= Joe Spotts 

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= Joseph S.

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= 3 Canucks on left

120616 Joe's Secret Garden= Joe and Joseph

120616 Earth Day= Spanish Singer

120616 Earth Day= Swinging earth balls?

120616 Earth Day= Hoping they were part of a dance group

120616 Earth Day= Bella thinks he's a Shaman

120616 Earth Day= Even the good Sisters attended

120616 Earth Day= Lovely adornments for this guy

120616 Earth Day= Well dressed lady

120616 Earth Day= Sarah the American singer

120616 Earth Day= Bella waiting for a massage

120616 Earth Day= Brother and Sister

120616 Earth Day= I think he wants to play goal

120616 Earth Day= I think her Mom was American
120616 Ladies having fun at Joe's Secret Garden

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