Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Mar 24, 2012 with MAPS

Saturday Mar 24/12 update with maps
Bella went to get a starter kit for some nutrient-filled grain that makes a healthy drink.  She says it is truly a small world, as she sat and chatted with this woman’s husband at Coopera one day while waiting to complete their banking.  Also these people live next door to a woman who was trying to arrange residency in Quito at the same time as us through Gabriela as we waited in the Minister’s office for approval.  Apparently this lady does not have the approved pension income required so she has been refused residency.  That is so sad.
I headed to Kywi, on the north side of the airport to try to get a backing plate for some ceramic house numbers I had purchased yesterday.  They had a plastic sign that was the perfect size but the pricetag was $17 and I was certain I would find a ceramic backing plate for less.   A visit next door to MegaHierro was no help.  I could purchase nice sized pieces of ceramic tile that would work, with some modifications, but I would need to buy a full square meter for about $11.
I decided to try to get to the huge Graiman ceramic store on the other side of the airport and walked back to the west end and enlisted the help of a fellow who spoke mild English.  He told me to hop in his truck and he drove me to the east end of the airport then south.  He had misunderstood me somehow, I have no idea how, because he was trying to bring me near home….  He dropped me off there so I had to walk all the way up again and down the south side of the airport and ended up walking within a few blocks of where he and I had started from.  Guess what, it was like 1:02pm and the store had just closed!  I was more than a little peeved at this turn of events.
I found the end of Paseo De Los Canaris quite close which brought me right down to near where we rented previously and I just kept on walking.  I stopped at Coral at Monay Mall and they only had the same packages of ceramic.  The price is right but I really don’t need all that leftover ceramic.  I decided to hold off until I can get to Graiman again or check out other ceramic stores.    I did pick up some mounting screws though for a whole 16c.
While devouring lunch I saw that Ecuador is experiencing flooding near the coast due to El Nino and that several lives have been lost.  No place in this world is immune from the ravages of Mother Nature when she gets her dander up.

One of our loyal followers has again asked for map references to give a better idea of where we travel in this beautiful city.
I am going to try to enclose two jpg’s of maps I have devised with easy to follow references hopefully.  One is just of my travels today, just for fun, and to experiment.   The second is a map of our main sites that might be worth saving somewhere for easy reference.  This blog will also be marked that it includes MAPS so it should be easy to find too.

Enjoy the maps.    That was today’s excitement.  Hugs to all.

120324 Today's Travels - This is a test - Is this of interest on a daily basis?

120324 Main Sites and Locations for reference - Our home is on the right.

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