Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday August 12, 2013

Monday August 12, 2013  update #541
I woke up around 3am with a photo project on my brain that would not let my mind at ease until I got up and actually tried it, involving night darkness, light and pouring water.  After farting around with it for 2 hours I did not get any useable results so I just deleted it all.  Then I went back to bed.
Bella and I were off this morning to Banco Del Austro to open her own account.   The manager is away and the  young lady we had to deal with spoke no English at all so we did not get the dual signatures on both accounts, nor did I pick up my bank debit card.  I guess we will just wait until the Manager returns.
Then we picked up a few minor groceries at Coral and walked home, where I could finish my coffee, have lunch and finish my chores.
Then Bella was off to learn Mahjong while I began my quest to find someone to print some artwork on my pieces of canvas.   After the first 5 stops I was getting frustrated.   I picked up my money for doing the photos for Rommie and Charles, then resumed my quest.  The one Fuji store said to return at 4pm, but I had this meeting with the combined Coopera bunches at 4pm so I continued looking.  Nobody has a simple inkjet printer in this town!!  The second Fuji store told me the same thing, return at 4pm… 
I went to wait at the Azuay Prefect’s office for the Coopera meeting, a block away, and remembered that the last meeting did not start until 4:30 so I went back to the Fuji store.  I finally got to talk to the technician who said they could only print it on their own canvas stock for a cost of over $11 each, and it would take 3-4 hours.  I said I would think about it….   
The Coopera meeting had the combined forces of the lawyers Quito and Heredia, the Prefect, etc.  The translations were almost non-existent this time although the Ecuadorians seemed to like what they were hearing, not so for the Expats.  The lawyers want to demonstrate at all levels of government to enlist their support, starting with the Mayor tomorrow at 11am.  Everyone is to wear white t-shirts and bring signs, and/or contribute $10 towards the making of signs.  I’ll make my own, thank you very much… at least I’ll know who I am insulting!
I got fed up with the lack of action to get to the heart of the matter, which is to just get our bloody money back.  This is pure discrimination, no doubt against the constitution, and that is where our energies should be focused.  Heredia still clings to the “Revitalize Coopera” line but we have nothing to invest if we have no money…  And why should we be buying back what is/was already ours??  To my knowledge they have not returned anyone’s membership fees.  The whole stench of politics just reeks everywhere with every politician still wanting to distance themselves from the liquidator SEPS.    Ugh…..
It was such a gorgeous day today but I was having so many frustrations that my camera never made an appearance out of the backpack.
I had sent an interesting 4 generation photo to one of my cousins which showed her father circa 1914.  She claims to have very few family photos, while I have access to several, so that was my evening’s work and I have included them on the Blog.   I always feel a little proud whenever I dig back to my parent’s common ancestor who was a famous Canadian patriot and parliamentarian.   His accomplishments were amazing.  See  If he could see his lineage now……
That was today’s excitement.  Cheers, Al   

Please see all new photos at

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