Monday, July 01, 2013

Monday July 1, 2013

Monday July 1, 2013  update #499
Happy Canada Day everyone.
Bella came home in the early morning from the bridge tournament sans trophy so she was disappointed.  We had a few moments to discuss our current money predicament and a few minor issues before I needed to crash.
Yet I was awake at 5am and got up at 7am because things needed doing.   We are having a July Special on our Eleggant Hooks to give free shipping, so I needed to update the website and also PayPal.
Then I uploaded some photos for sale and decided my inventory for uploading is starting to get low so I spent many hours beginning to go through my photos from this year.  I got pretty bleary-eyed by the time I hit late January so I just stopped there.
It was a gorgeous morning when I got up then clouded over heavily so I just kept working on the photos, then it cleared up really nicely for a great afternoon, but by then it was too late to get all gussied up to be presentable outside these four walls.
I still have a lot of photos from the Pase Del Nino from Christmas to process too.  I have to find a balance somewhere so I can get myself outside each day too.
Tomorrow we should have 2 different appointments, one for Coopera (we have received conflicting dates) and one for Hearts Of Gold.
Looking forward to shepherd’s pie for supper….  Sorry, no photos today.

That was the day's excitement,   Cheers, Al   

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