Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday May 20, 2013

Monday May 20, 2013  update #458
Today is a catch-up day for Bella and a final packing day for me.   I am trying to kill some time in the long day so I started by uploading more photos for sale.  Sooner or later I will have to start into my 2014 shots to replenish my work for sale.
It was raining on and off all morning so I watched a shoot-em-up movie then, in the afternoon, decided to head downtown again to see if that DG Artes store on Calle Larga was open.   This was our third try in 4 days and still no luck.   So I took a leisurely stroll down the Escalinata to the south side to catch the #15 home.   I was impressed that a bus driver actually waited for me to cross the road to catch the bus and I thanked him profusely.   I got off by the Monay Mall and walked down the hill just for the exercise. 
As I was crossing the river I saw a fisherman at work with a seine so I caught a few sequences of his throw.   He never caught anything while I was watching.   I am sure the trout were shy.
I had meant to stop at Coral to pick up some munchies for the bus ride but of course I forgot so I had to stop at one of my local tienda grocery stores to pick up some cookies and chocolate.   At one store, the teen was so engrossed in a video game he wasn’t even watching the counter, even though I stopped there twice.   You snooze, you lose.
So later I will shower ans be ready to catch a cab sometime after 10 to the bus station.   I probably will be lucky to arrive home in Okotoks tomorrow night by midnight.
That was the day's excitement,   Cheers, Al   Please see all new photos at

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