Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Tuesday March 5, 2013

Tuesday March 5/13  update #383
Bella was off early to teach a crochet class and then she had to see if some registered documents were being saved for her at the main Post Office or not.  We had them sent to a friend’s PO Box only to find out they have now cancelled it, so we were unsure if our documents would be lost forever.  A big sigh of relief to find the documents were indeed being held.  
These documents are necessary for Bella to apply for her own residency as opposed to being a dependent on my visa.  Since there are no laws governing the situation if I should suddenly get hit by the big red bus, it is safer for Bella to get her own full residency approved.  She tried to get that process started today, even to just get one question answered, but they tell her she must come only in the mornings (they don’t know that Bella isn’t a morning person…).
I did my usual chores and uploading but had a problem with my FAA photos that wouldn’t upload.  Then I rushed to get ideas ready for the Hearts Of Gold meeting this afternoon.  I was shocked to see about 5 new faces at our meeting but soon found that some of these new volunteers will be a great asset to HoG.  My duty is to coordinate efforts and donations and paperwork.   Oh, and I had to take more photos of the new volunteers for their Volunteer badges that Tarek has done such a great job on.   Many more great ideas were brought forth and many more valuable contacts uncovered.
When I arrived home I had to work on the photos for Tarek first.   Then I had to send out 3 templates for our volunteers to use for donations and Gift Certificates.
Sorry, I had no time for any other photos today.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.    Please see all new photos at http://souvenircuenca.blogspot.com/

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