Thursday, February 07, 2013

Thursday February 7, 2013

Thursday February 7/13  update #361
Bella is having a rest day after her many weeks of company and travel.
Jay called so I met him downtown at Parque Calderon.   We tried to see the crypt at the main cathedral but our timing was bad so that will have to wait for another day.  We wandered over to the jewelry market and I asked around to find someone to string together my good magnetic bracelet that has been broken for 2 years.  After checking with 3 vendors they finally took me to this woman who had 25 lb test fishing line, the same as was used previously for this bracelet.  She said it would cost $1 and I smiled and said I would be back in an hour. 
We went across the street to Chicago Pizza for a much needed pit stop and for Jay to have lunch.   I am trying to be a good boy and just stick to my veggies at noon but Jay ordered a pizza large enough for two, so naturally I had to be a good Samaritan and eat my share.   Thanks again Jay.
We stopped in at the Santo Domingo church which was also open and got a few nice shots.   There was a very impressive statue of an angel at the door.    Inside they had a statue of Christ with a broken arm in a glass case, so that was indeed unusual.
When we returned to the jewelry market I saw that the lady had a friend helping her and they were still not finished.  I did not say a word, I just sat and waited 15 minutes until she handed me her finished product.  It is a little on the loose side but it is holding together well.  I knew it would be a much larger task than she had anticipated so I gave her $2 and she was most appreciative.
On our way back through Parque Calderon I asked all the shoeshine men if they could do white runners and the fifth one finally said that he could.  He was handicapped and did a sloppy job and then wanted $2.50 because it was a specialty colour….  There never ceases to be surprises in Ecuador.
The lawnmower guys with the whipper-snippers were hard at work along the Yanuncay this afternoon.
We have confirmed that it is necessary for us to vote now that we are official residents.  The vote is Feb 17, the Sunday that we get back from the Galapagos at a voting station at a school about 10 blocks from here.  We find it odd to have elections on a Sunday in a Catholic country.
Bella is booking my flights to Canada and Reno along with the Reno hotel.  It is expensive because it falls in the tourist season, darn it.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.    Please see all photos at

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