Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday February 28, 2013

Thursday February 28/13  update #378
Goodbye February!
I took my drugs and hit the sack early and actually got some sleep as I could feel their effect working.  I was skeptical at getting 6 pills and 6 packets of powder to be mixed with water and drank individually with each pills every 2 hours.  We are enjoying the knowledge and latitude that the local Pharmacists have here in dispensing drugs that actually work.
Bella is even worse than me today so she went off to the Pharmacist to duplicate my drugs too.
I had asked Jay to come over because his hobby is making collages so I figured we could collaborate on a donation to the Hearts Of Gold Silent Auction coming up April 13.  I dug up several Galapapgos photos and we went through them and culled them to 16 photos that he felt he could work with.
Then the two of us caught the bus to the Fuji store where I showed Jay the suggested frame and he agreed, so we got the photos printed for him to work with.  He was really impressed with the helpfulness of the Fuji staff.  Then we slipped down to Papeleria Monsalves so he could get a few supplies to do his hobby work.
Then I was late to get to Jon & Barbie’s new place behind Joe’s Secret Garden.  They have this gorgeous house, with additional quarters in the front, so they are going to start a B+B in the main home.  This is truly a beautiful home and I know they will do a good job of it as they are a really great couple.   I was asked to take some photos for them to post on a worldwide B+B site.  Hopefully I’ll get the link later.
If you are interested in checking out their B+B, see the photos on the Souvenir blog, or call their cell at 099-985-5562.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.    Please see all new photos at

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