Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday January 16, 2013

 Wednesday January 16/13 update #344
Bella has a rare day at home and is exhausted from all the demands on her time, bridge games, bridge classes, charity work, etc. etc.   She really needs to cut back on some of the activities as she is busier now that when she was working.   
I was tired of being housebound so I slipped out to El Centro and met Jay so I could show him a few more of the places he wanted to see, the Mayor’s office, the Post Office and one of the best home decorating stores in Cuenca.   We stopped for a shawarma at a Middle Eastern place and had some laughs with some local students at a nearby table.  We also manage to shoot a few shots around town, getting to the second storey of a couple of buildings surrounding Parque Calderon to get some fresh angles..   
I bought a pound of fresh cherries from a street vendor for $2 and headed home.
There will be no blog tomorrow as I will be en route to New York City, then Canada, then Phoenix.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.    Please see all photos at

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