Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Tuesday January 1, 2013

Tuesday January 1/13  update #329
We went to Reshma and Rick’s gorgeous penthouse condo for a potluck party New Year’s Day.   I only saw the main floor but fell in love with their views, the layout and the woodwork.   They have an immense view from Turi right over to the Cajas.
Bella actually met a person at Parque Calderon at 9am to pick up a huge carrot cake birthday cake for me and then brought over to Reshma right away.   That evening everyone was raving about the cake, asking me for the recipe, or thanking me for having a birthday today.
There were many friends there and the great food and conversation helped lessen my ongoing hangover.  I am now happy to be back home and about 10 minutes away from crashing for the night.
THANK YOU to everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   Please see all photos at http://souvenircuenca.blogspot.com/

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