Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday December 7, 2012

Friday December 7/12  update #307
Bella was off and running to the weaving store today then to Yoshi’s to play bridge.
I was up early and worked on the photos from yesterday until 2:30pm then I scooted off to the Hearts Of Gold office to bring them copies.
I then wandered downtown to see if the pan flute players were in evidence, but they weren’t so I continued down to a cheap eatery for a foot-long hotdog and a juice for $1.25.
I didn’t even unpack my camera today, just wasn’t in the mood at all and caught a bus home, recharged my bus pass and here I am…
I haven’t heard if they have found my old Edmonton physician, Dr. Bryan McPhail who suddenly went missing on Monday.  See   This is truly a strange occurrence and we hope he is fine somewhere.
One of my couples has suddenly dropped out of the Saraguro excursion.   Ugh.  No rest for the wicked.
That was today’s excitement.   Hugs to all.   

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