Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday October 15, 2012

Monday October 15/12 update #255
Chores and naps before heading to AAC.  We got a late notice that Linda was sick today so we were unsure what to expect.  We found out that Miguel is in the USA until Thursday.
Christine was here today with paper and paint supplies so the kids got right into it.   A couple of the girls, Tatiana and Natalie, definitely show some artistic talent! 
When we ran out of paper then Cathy got the kids again making the skipping ropes and the kids had a ball skipping outside, even the boys.  Everything was a bit hectic today but everyone had a good time.
As I was walking to the bus I heard from Chris that the new projector has arrived, yippee!!  He will check it out thoroughly before we decide to unveil it, possibly Friday…… 
That was today’s excitement.   Please see all photos at  Hugs to all.

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