Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday July 15, 1012

Sunday July 15/12 update
Last night we had an awesome time with 2 other couples in El Centro, Jan & Paul, and our hosts Miriam and Fernando.  They have a great large space with a wooden floor just perfect for dancing.  Unfortunately Jan wasn’t feeling well so they left early.  I had downloaded 95 country tunes at their request and we showed themn how to 2-step and we had a fabulous time.
Bella is off to play bridge while I stay home to catch up on things, like sleep, and to get ready for tomorrow’s night photography tour.   There are so many intangibles for tomorrow but it should be an interesting and fun trip.
Yesterday I had started a sheet for a proposed itinerary and times.  It quickly became really obvious that the participants are going to get their money’s worth because we will be lucky to be done by midnight.  We will be spending a good 2.5 hours  on the top of Cojitambo plus a good hour for supper, which we will be lucky to finish by 9pm, and we still have lots of stops after that…..
There are lots of blogs that come up when you Google Cojitambo.   The first one that came up was and I was blown away to find that this person had used at least 4 of my photos taken from my two blogs!!  I am not upset because the photos give credit to our websites when you mouse on them and will bring you to our site if you click on the photo.
I spent most of the afternoon downloading more country tunes so I can actually fill up a CD which will hold up to about 200 tunes.   I’ll also try a DVD and see it either or both will play in the DVD player.
I also got a couple of more shots of Tom.
Enjoy the pics.    That was today’s excitement.    Hugs to all.

Miriam + Fernando's dance floor

Miriam + Fernando

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