Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday-Tuesday February 13-14, 2012

Monday Feb 13/12 update
Slept in a little today after that exhausting but exciting day yesterday.  It sure felt good not having to get up at any particular time.  Other than a stiff neck, go figure…, and remnants of the sinus cold, I feel pretty good today considering all the hiking of the previous day.  Bella has also developed a sinus cold.
Both of us have a few insect bites and I don’t even recall getting bitten.  Bella remembers getting bitten at all 3 places yesterday and some bites have festered on her into big blisters.
I spent 6 hours preparing my 150 photos and the blog for yesterday.  Bella is preparing for Garth and Orilla to join us to see our home tonight.
Michael called and popped by to pick up the Internet stick he had loaned us.  That was very helpful.  We are glad to have the Etapa Internet connection functioning although it is erratic and drops the signal every so often.
Garth and Orilla came around 5:30 and were thoroughly impressed with the house.  They live about a mile north, up the hill, and they rent a huge home from a doctor in the US for themselves and their two dogs.  They have a one-year lease and actually are spending a lot of money renovating this old house that isn’t theirs, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to us but we don’t criticize.  Each to their own.   They also are waiting for their papers so they can bring a container of personal effects from Canada. 
Bella made a fabulous Chinese food supper, with those wonderful pork ribs we found at the Coopera a couple of days ago.  She followed this up with hot cinnamon buns and cream cheese.  Oh what a feast!  Then we played rummy sticks until about 9:30.
That was today’s excitement.     Hugs to all.

Tuesday Feb 14/12 update
We both slept until past 9:30, needing to recharge our batteries.  Bella is really stuffed up today and headed to the Farmacia for some good drugs.  My nose was clear today but have a scratchy throat that seems to react well to the steam from the sink when I am washing dishes, and the nice coffee I poured.   Hopefully this will clear itself quickly.  I have taken a couple of allergy pills and that seems to have helped both the nose and the insect bites.  Bella’s bites seem worse today, with more of them blistering up.  Mine don’t seem to have changed much as I apply Polysporin to them.
It is a grey day so far today and I know Bella isn’t feeling up to going anywhere, so I will probably do a lot of Internet business that I have been putting off for a rainy day.
The day has not improved much so did indeed do some catching up on a lot of things.
Bella had asked me to specifically take two photos and upload them: 
-         One is a shot of the Hospital Del Rio about a mile east of us.  She wanted you to see that this is a modern, clean building attached to a University as a training hospital.  This is to show you that we don’t live in some backwater village.
-         Two is a humorous shot of a home a few blocks away.  Part of the “Washington” sign has broken away so we now have a “Washing Street”, and the home it is attached to is living up to its name.
Happy Valentine’s day everyone.
That was today’s excitement.     Enjoy the pics.   Hugs to all.

120212 modern Hospital Del Rio, no backwaters here

120212 Washing Street

120213 Garth & Orilla Bogart from Edmonton

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